In some cases, no matter how attentive you are to oral hygiene, tooth loss is something that just happens. In some cases, it’s because of accidents, fights, or trauma, but when people age periodontal disease and tooth decay can be pretty common. Rather than living without teeth — or an incomplete set of them, people opt to get dentures, but there is a new denture superior denture option that’s becoming increasingly popular, which is All on 4 dental implants.
About 500,000 people opt to get dental implants each year. One reason these are so popular is because they are often the most natural looking dentures a person can get. Rather than a removable set of teeth, All on 4 is a set of permanent dentures. These come in two parts.
The first part is called the anchor, which is placed in the gumline. The human body is so receptive to the material that they’re made of the jawbone will eventually grow to it, securing it in place (this is what makes All on 4 permanent dentures). The cosmetic dentist adds the anchors in four strategic areas of the mouth. The second part of the dentures holds the parts that look, feel, and function like natural teeth.
Rather than having to be taken out every night and cleaned or put in every morning with adhesive, All on 4 dental implants are a permanent solution to tooth loss and have been found to have a 98% success rate, which may be why they are becoming so popular (three million Americans have ha dthe procedure as it is).
Only 10% of dental care professionals in the United States are cosmetic dentists, so if you are looking for a set of new dentures look for local dentists who are actually capable of doing the procedure. Not everyone is a good candidate, so make sure you go in for a consultation to see if it’s right for you. More info like this.