This short video gives you an expert opinion from cosmetic dentists on what is better for you between dentures and dental implants. It starts by examining these two options separately. For starters, and according to the video, dentures are artificial teeth that cover your gums and the bone.
They can be partial or complete.
On the other hand, dental implants are titanium screws that are compatible with biological tissue. Dental implants can also be single or multiple.
While both these options have their advantages and disadvantages, dental implants seem to be a better choice overall. The reason given for this is that although dentures don’t require surgery, they wear down the bone.
This means they have to be remade and realigned. Other problems associated with dentures include how they impact speech, the inability to eat certain foods, and the risk of infections.
In contrast, dental implants come with no food restrictions, are natural-looking, and help to increase bone mass. Even though they involve surgery, it’s a painless procedure that uses anesthesia. However, it’s important to note that you should seek medical advice before opting for elective surgery, especially if you suffer from uncontrolled diabetes and hypertension or a heart condition.