What are porcelain veneers? Porcelain laminate veneers are thin porcelain facings that are bonded onto the prepared teeth. Porcelain laminate veneers are the perfect way to achieve a beautiful smile with minimal tooth reduction and decreasing the chance of nerve or tissue damage. Porcelain laminate veneers not only can change the tooth shade and the tooth shape, but can also create an illusion that the teeth have moved into a more pleasing position. The smile is achieved in harmony with the individual’s chewing system through proper treatment planning and a diagnostic wax-up.
A cast of your teeth is prepared and sculptured in wax using the information gathered during a consultation visit. This wax model is used to create the correct shade and shape for the temporary porcelain laminate veneers which are shaped in order to create the most aesthetically beautiful smile. The form and function of your teeth is achieved by establishing the best results with the temporary veneers, and then duplicating those results in the final restoration. In cosmetic dental work, from 2004 to 2006, the number of people In the United States with veneers increased by 15%. Around 600 thousand people had porcelain laminate veneers in 2006.
A cosmetic dental procedure is defined as a procedure that improves the look of someone’s tooth or gums, without repairing a medical condition. One such example of this is teeth whitening. Tooth whitening procedures were the first cosmetic dental procedures to ever be put on the market. Another cosmetic dentistry is braces. Invisalign allows adults to have clear braces so they are not concerned about the appearance of metal, traditional brackets. Dental implants are another form of cosmetic dentistry. Over 1,350 years ago, the first dental implant concept was formed. A Mayan woman had pieces of shell hammered into her mouth as tooth replacements. Find more on this here: www.bonaventuredental.com