Did you know that sets of teeth are unique, just like human fingerprints? Even identical twins have different teeth. Because of this, every smile needs a unique approach to help make it as attractive and functional as possible. Because of this, there are a variety of different cosmetic and medical procedures to help patients improve their teeth in a variety of ways, from straightening to replacing missing natural teeth. When it comes to these individual approaches to improving teeth, there is no better example than the dental implants procedure, a cosmetic dental surgery that provides an effective alternative to dentures and other forms of tooth replacement.
A century ago, approximately half of all adults in North America had no remaining natural teeth. This had been a very common condition throughout the ages, with the oldest set of dentures, made of wood, dating back to 16th century Japan. Even George Washington, the first American president, wore dentures, although contrary to myth, his dentures were made from ivory and other materials instead of wood. Today, missing teeth are still fairly common, with a significant number of people missing one tooth or even all of their natural teeth. However, thanks to improvements in dental technology, there are better ways to replace these missing teeth, including various types of dental implants, such as dental mini implants.
A dental implant is a permanent alternative to dentures, bridges, and crowns. The procedure involves placing a dental implant, typically made of titanium, into the bone socket of the missing tooth, replacing the original roots. This implant is then topped with a replacement tooth designed to mimic the appearance of tooth enamel. Over the next six to 12 weeks, the jawbone heals, growing around the implant and anchoring it securely to the jaw. Because of the differing sizes, shapes, and placements of people’s teeth, many people choose to use mini dental implants in this surgery. Mini dental implants have a diameter of 1.8 mm to 2.9 mm and are offered in a variety of lengths, making it easy to find the perfect fit for every individual jaw.
There are a variety of different cosmetic dental procedures that can be used to improve the appearance of an individual’s teeth and smile. Teeth whitening uses chemical processes to improve color and decrease yellowing, for example, while Invisalign braces subtly help straighten teeth. However, if you are missing teeth, the best way to restore your natural smile is through mini dental implants, which are available in a number of sizes to help you best find one that fits with your smile. If you are missing teeth and interested in improving your smile, don’t wait: contact a cosmetic dental implant clinic today to discuss the procedure with a dental surgeon.