A smile. A smile is important in social situations. The right smile has the ability to appeal to the opposite sex, a new boss, someone who is a friend. The right smile has all the connotations of a healthy body: Health, caring for the teeth, protecting the teeth, prioritizing them.
An unhealthy smile. An unhealthy smile sends negative impressions to the person who is seeing the teeth. An unhealthy smile may have teeth that are yellowing. The teeth may have stains. They may be from coffee or nicotine. There may be caps or fillings. There may be repercussions. Being passed over for a promotion. Struggling with a girl.
1 in 4 American adults avoid smiling due to the poor condition of their mouth and teeth. Nearly three-quarters (74%) of adults feel an unattractive smile can hurt their career success. And just about every American believes that a healthy smile is important in social situations. Many are concerned about their teeth. In that case, there are solutions.
For the Americans with healthy smiles, there is little that can be said except for keeping up the hard work. Brush twice a day, for a minute at a time, with a soft tooth brush to get into the crevices. Floss once a day, preferably at night, to get all the food away from the gums. Rinse with water. Gurgle mouthwash.
Those are the guidelines issued by many dentist and dentistry organizations and associations, in many cases for decades. There is also the caveat that many Americans may not want to go through with: Seeing the dentist. Seeing the dentist can be a difficult decision for many as dentist offices tend to be uncomfortable situations.
Dentist offices can be difficult experiences because there is the process of sitting in a chair, prone, while others stand over the person. There is the issue with dentists and the technicians taking good looks in a person’s mouth while poking it and prodding it with metal instruments. There is the process of x-rays while biting down on a divider.
But while dentist offices can be difficult to visit, there is the possibility that they will better a person’s teeth through special whitening toothpaste and other tools that happen during the cleaning and any major dental work that needs to be done. Many organizations say that visiting the dentist office once per year is the best way.
The Centers of Disease Control and Prevention have kept statistics on how many people, men, women, and children have visited the dentist office in past years. The 2014 statistics are presented below.
- According to the CDC, 83% of children between the ages of two and 17 visited the dentist in 2014.
- According to the CDC, 62% of adults between the ages of 18 and 64 visited the dentist in 2014.
Americans have many issues with their teeth. Some statistics state that 74% of Americas have some form of periodontal disease. Worldwide, 60% to 90% of school-age children and nearly 100% of adults have dental cavities. These statistics show that many people might need to go to the dentist to fix their teeth issues.
There are many terms associated with dentistry and many techniques someone can use to whiten their teeth. They include brushing at least twice per day, with a soft brush that gets into the crevices, flossing regularly, and using mouthwash. Not smoking or drinking excess caffeine can also help.
The terms associated with dentistry include teeth whitening, implants, professional teeth whitening, find a local dentist, family dentist, Brazilian dentist, best teeth whitening products, affordable dental implants, and more. Finding bilingual doctors might be necessary for someone living in an area where someone might not speak English.
Bilingual doctors can help bridge the language gap, can serve as a proxy for other doctors if necessary, and can communicate effectively with different demographics. This is especially useful in places like Miami, Florida, where there are many different cultures that bilingual doctors can reach.
Bilingual doctors play an important role in the bridging of communication with people of different cultures. Bilingual doctors play an important role by providing service to those who might not be able to get it because they are speaking only their native language. Bilingual doctors help bridge that gap effectively with other people.