There are a lot of roles that a dentist plays in the care of your mouth and for your oral health needs. Cleaning is one of the most important aspects of those services, and arguably the most important role a dentist has in the overall health of your mouth and teeth. Yes, brushing is one of the essential elements of good oral hygiene, but there is a reason we are so strongly encouraged to schedule regular cleanings with our dentist.
In addition to the health benefits, simply put, your dentist can not only do things you cannot, but they also have specialized tools (like those shown in the attached video) designed for various oral care and cleaning needs.
Dentists will begin a comprehensive cleaning with an examination. This will help them determine what tools and types of cleaning procedures will be required for each patient. From pick (a.k.a. sickle probe) and grinding tools to techniques and more, dentists will use a range of procedures during any given comprehensive cleaning session. Even polishing tools are used in many offices to leave patients with a smile that only a dentist can give. Speaking of dentists, when was your last teeth cleaning appointment? Make sure you schedule regular appointments!