Accidents happen every day — and if an accident happens that affects your teeth, it’s extremely important to know what to do in that situation.
Knowing how, why and when you should make an emergency dental appointment can help you save your smile from being permanently damaged.
Here are the four most common reasons why you should visit an emergency dentist:
1. Knocked-out or chipped tooth: If one or more of your teeth have been knocked out or chipped, it’s essential that you see an emergency dentist. If you bring your tooth to an emergency dentist office within one hour of the accident, the dentist will likely be able to repair your tooth or even re-implant it in your gum.
2. Mouth laceration: If you have a cut inside your mouth that won’t stop bleeding, it’s important to make an emergency dental appointment as soon as possible. While you wait, you should cover the wound with gauze to help stem the bleeding.
3. Lost filling: If you lose one of your cavity fillings, it’s recommended that you place a piece of sugar-free gum in the cavity until you can see an emergency dentist as soon as possible. Gum with sugar will cause pain, so avoid that.
4. Dental abscess: Have you noticed an abnormal toothache that has lasted several days? If so, you could have a dental abscess and you should see an emergency dentist as soon as possible. An abscess is an infection that takes place between the tooth and gums or at the root of a tooth and should be addressed immediately.
Emergency dental appointments can mean the difference between keeping your smile or having it irreparably damaged. Make the right choice by knowing when to visit an emergency dentist. See this reference for more: www.mintdentalalaska.com