Bruxism is one of the most common dental health concerns among Americans today, but many people don’t realize what it is or how to treat it. Here are a few of the most common questions people have about bruxism:
- What is bruxism? This dental health concern is more often called teeth grinding, and it’s the act of clenching one’s jaw tightly and/or grinding the teeth together. People typically grind their teeth at night, and many people don’t even realize that they have the problem at all.
- How is bruxism diagnosed? It’s not always easy to diagnose the condition because most people grind their teeth without even realizing it. Most people are diagnosed with the condition when other health concerns pop up and they are advised to see a dentist; dental experts usually base their diagnosis off the physical appearance of teeth.
- What are the symptoms? The most prevalent oral health problem is pain — whether that means sensitivity in the teeth and gums, or migraines during the day, or even sore muscles that extend from the jawbone down to the shoulders. Many people suffering from bruxism also deal with other sleep-related disorders, resulting in chronic sleep deprivation and consequences like poor concentration, memory loss, and overeating.
- Is the condition easy to treat? Luckily, it’s very easy (and very affordable) to treat bruxism. Most patients visit a dental clinic to have custom night guards fitted to their teeth; these mouth guards are similar to the flexible plastic guards used in sports, and they prevent patients from clenching the teeth together while asleep. If someone is suffering from bruxism, they’ll start to see an improvement in symptoms almost instantly after using a mouth guard.
Did we leave out anything important? Any questions you still have about bruxism and how it affects overall dental health? Be sure to leave your thoughts down in the comments section!