More than 37 million people suffer from migraines in the U.S. The cause for many of these migraine sufferers is never found. Instead, people are forced to find ways to effectively deal with the pain. These are some of the most helpful migraine treatment methods.
Visit your medical provider
It is important to have chronic migraines checked out by a medical professional. While they may not always be able to find a cause, it is important that they do monitor your health. Chronic migraines can be a symptom of other, more serious, medical condition. The first step you should take in treating your migraines is to consult with your medical provider. They are likely to run a series of tests and these results could improve your symptom reducing techniques.
Schedule an appointment with your family dentist
Chronic migraines and the dentist are often not associated. However, the two can be related. TMJ, jaw arthritis, and underlying dental conditions can lead to chronic migraines. If these dental problems are never identified, you could find it difficult to discover effective chronic headache treatments that actually work for an extended period of time. Your dentist may also be able to provide you with dental treatments, such as TMJ treatment, that can reduce the frequency and extent of your migraines.
Keep a rag in the freezer
Chronic migraines can respond well to the cold. Always leaving a rag in the freezer can ensure that you are ready when a migraine hits. Other options include keeping a water bottle or face mask in the freezer. If a migraine hits and you do not currently have anything in the freezer, simply run a washrag through the cold water for many minutes. Then, place it over your head and turn off all electronic devices or sounds.
Pay attention to other symptoms
Other symptoms that occur at the time of your migraine can be helpful in pinpointing the cause. For example, do you notice that your teeth are also painful during a migraine? Do you notice that you get more migraines when you stare at a computer screen for many hours? Once you learn the identifying causes and associated symptoms, you can learn to avoid these causes. If your migraines seem to be related to your teeth, a procedure like TMJ treatments could help. TMJ treatments are used for temporalmodal joint disorders. Approximately 35 million people in the U.S. have been diagnosed with TMJ. TMJ treatments, for some, can also reduce the occurrence of chronic migraines.
Take electronic breaks
Whether or not long periods of electronic use are causing your chronic migraines, it can definitely contribute to their severity. Always remember to take breaks in between electronic uses. If your job requires computer work, take a short walk around the office for a few minutes, every hour. Avoid playing on your cell phone or tablet on your breaks, as you are simply moving your focus to another screen. Chronic screen use can affect your eyes and lead to an increase in both chronic migraines and headaches.
Wear a night guard
Grinding your teeth can affect the health of your teeth and can contribute to chronic migraines. If you are chronically grinding your teeth throughout the night, wearing a night guard can protect the mouth. Also, consider working with a cosmetic dentist on additional dental options to cut down on teeth grinding. Your dentist might recommend dental treatments such as TMJ treatments, dental implants, or a customized dental guard.
Millions of Americans deal daily with migraines. These migraines can affect employment, social relationships, and the overall mood. Working with a primary physician and dentist to diagnose the cause can be helpful. Even if a cause is not found, steps can be taken to reduce the debilitating symptoms. Keep these symptom reducers in mind the next time you are met with a migraine.