Cosmetic dental work includes teeth whitening, cosmetic dental veneers, cosmetic dentures, crowns and bridges, and cosmetic dental implants, to name a few. It is definitely a fact that people are going to cosmetic dentists. Over the past five years, the number of teeth whitening procedures in the United States has increased 300%. Over the past five years, dental veneer procedures have increased 250%. The number of people with dental implants is increasing by approximately 500 thousand every year in the United States. Cosmetic dental work is becoming more popular as the years go on.
Due to the increase in cosmetic dental work in the United States, there are approximately 5,847 cosmetic dental facilities. The cosmetic dental industry itself has 42,664 employees. Most people have been to see a cosmetic dentist. In fact, 15 million people have crown and bridge replacements due to missing teeth. Many people in the United States are missing teeth and need cosmetic dental work.
Approximately 27.27% of seniors over the age of 65 are missing all of their natural teeth. Over 31.30% of adults over the age of 75 have absolutely non of their remaining natural teeth. These tooth problems start young. Tooth decay is affecting more than 25% of children in the United States ages two to five. If you do not want to go to a cosmetic dentist, approximately 10% of regular dentists perform dental implant procedures. References.