Taking your toddler to their first dental visit is a nerve-wracking event for most parents as Dr. Alida Andersen explains in her video, “What to expect at your child’s 1st dental visit.” The experience can be less stressful, however, if you go prepared on what to expect at the dentist’s office. Going for a dentist’s appointment marks an important step to ensuring the dental health of your child is good.
When Should You Make Your Child’s First Dental Visit?
It is recommended that you schedule a dental appointment with a pediatric dentist for your toddler the moment their first tooth shows or until they hit the one-year-old mark. You should also encourage your toddler to brush their teeth at least two times a day to maintain healthy dental hygiene.
Taking your child to your family dentist is not a bad venture, but to make sure that your toddler is in a more comfortable but to make sure that your toddler is in a more comfortable environment, you should book an appointment with a kids dentist. This is because a pediatric dentist specializes in working on the dental health of children and also has additional training in dealing with children who have unique needs.
Some key takeaway your toddler can get from their first dental visit is newfound confidence and fun memories of their first dental visit.