Oral hygiene is important, not only to keep your teeth bright and sparkling, but because your oral health contributes to your overall well being. There are lots of ways to preserve the natural shine and health of your smile, and working hard to care for your teeth means you can avoid things like dental implant procedures and veneers for teeth at the oral sedation dentist. Anyone who wants to brush up on some ways to take care of their teeth should keep reading to learn six tips on how to keep your smile in great condition.
1. Brush your teeth after every meal
This is the first thing anyone who wants to keep their teeth healthy should do. It’s important to brush your teeth after eating because food particles can cause plaque to build up, and this can ultimately lead to cavities. The best way to remove this layer of slimy plaque is by brushing your teeth for two minutes and moving the brush in a small circular motion. If you have kids and are trying to teach them healthy brushing habits, you should observe them when they brush to make sure they are using the proper technique.
2. Floss once a day
Brushing your teeth doesn’t remove food trapped between teeth. The bristles can’t get to hard to reach spots near the gumline. Flossing is a necessary part of dental hygiene because when you floss, you can access the surfaces of teeth that aren’t exposed. Someone who practices regular brushing habits but fails to floss is at risk for getting cavities on these hidden surfaces.
3. Use mouthwash
Mouthwash is an antiseptic solution that is swished around in the mouth for a period of time, usually less than a minute. Mouthwash gives the user a universally clean feeling in their mouth, because it reduces counts of bacteria and microbes throughout the whole area. Brushing and flossing don’t target the tongue, cheeks or roof of the mouth, and mouthwash is the only effective way to make sure these areas are cleaned just as well as the surfaces of teeth.
4. Avoid sugary foods and drinks
Sugary foods and drinks are especially damaging to oral health because the bacteria that live in our mouths feed on simple sugars. When sugary food is ingested, it is broken down and bacteria multiply, forming the unpleasant slimy film known as plaque. If you do eat any food or drink that has lots of sugar, it’s a good idea to brush your teeth as soon as possible to reduce the length of time your teeth are exposed to sugars.
5. Get regular checkups at the family dentist
Talk to your oral sedation dentist about regular teeth cleanings, which most professionals recommend patients have twice a year. You might also want to get a fluoride treatment, which can reduce your risk for cavities by strengthening your teeth. If your dentist informs you that you do have a cavity, you should get it fixed right away because cavities can get worse with time if they are not properly treated.
6. Learn about different dental procedures
In addition to practicing all the habits above, the most important way to improve your dental health is by educating yourself. Learn about some of the procedures performed at the oral sedation dentist and find out what you can do to avoid excessive dental work.