If you’re afraid of the dentist you are not alone. Many people would rather sky dive than spend an extended amount of time in a dentist’s chair. Odontophobia is listed inthe Diagnostical and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV), as the “fear of the dentist.” For those who look for every reason not to go to the dentist, please take note of these important reasons to visit your family dentist.
Keep Your Strongest Attribute
Did you know that tooth enamel is actually the hardest surface in our bodies? That’s right! Wouldn’t yous say that if the strongest part of your body is proving to be weak, that it could be indicative of a big problem? Teeth our like our second set of finger prints, unique to us. It’s important for our physical and mental well being to keep them well maintained.
It’s Not Just For Your Health
Cosmetic dentistry is a rapidly growing field. At the forefront of cosmetic dentistry is the dental implant. These tooth procedures include place an implant into the bone socket of a tooth that is missing. After a few weeks, the jawbone heals around the implant so that it will stay in place. Dental implants have a success rate of about 98% and most of them, with proper care, last a lifetime. It’s important to remember that even if you haven’t taken care of your teeth in the past, you can replace the bad one with implants and start treating them right today. It’s never to late to start a healthy dental regimine.
Free Toothbrushes
And free floss. And maybe even free mouth wash. Your family dentist has all kinds of goodies to give you each time you depart from the dentist. How could you be so afraid of a person who so willingly gives you so much free stuff? Any local dentist will usually send you away with a start to what you need to maintain your dental health between visits.
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