A smile is an important social asset which many people (99% of Americans) think is a useful tool in many different parts of life. In fact, three out of four people think that an imperfect smile could have an effect on career success. Part of having an attractive smile is having a healthy smile, and these days there are a number of different practices and procedures that can help, cosmetically and functionally.
1. Orthodontia
Though many people think that getting braces is purely a cosmetic issue, that isn’t actually the case. Severely crooked or misaligned teeth can actually lead to tooth decay, since it’s more difficult to clean teeth properly and regularly. Additionally, crooked teeth can cause wear on teeth and lead to gum disease.
2. Teeth Whitening
Another common cosmetic dentistry procedure is teeth whitening, which usually involves hydrogen peroxide treatments. Common are causes of teeth yellowing or darkening are foods like coffee or tea, genetics, antibiotics, and aging.
3. Dentures
Dentures are also a fairly common cosmetic dentistry procedure, but there are a few different options for them. Now, there are permanent dentures that can be attached to the gums using dental implants. Porcelain veneers aren’t quite dentures, but they do provide a new-looking set of teeth. This option is considerably less invasive and serious than dental implant surgeries, which might be why the use of veneers has increased over 250% in the last five years.
An important part of keeping a healthy smile and avoiding having to undergo serious dental procedures is to practice good dental health to begin with. Brushing and flossing at least twice a day is essential for maintaining minimal oral health, and going to the dentist for regular dental cleanings is as well. Read more blogs like this.