Having just one missing tooth can be a major detriment to your self-esteem — but if you are one of the approximately 6% of Canadians who are missing all their teeth, finding the confidence to smile, even with a set of dentures, can be next to impossible.
Luckily, advances in cosmetic dentistry have given rise to an innovative procedure that allows you to take advantage of dental implants and their benefits without requiring you to get a separate implant for each tooth. This procedure — called all on four dental implants — just might change your life.
To learn more about all that all on four dental implants can do for you, check out this list of the top four benefits of all on four implants:
1. Efficiency: As stated before, the all on four process requires you to get just four dental implants, to which a full set of prosthetic teeth is attached. This allows you to spend minimal time in surgery and in recovery.
2. Affordability: Because you will only need four dental implants to get a full set of replacement teeth rather than 32 separate implants, the all on four procedure is much less expensive than the alternative means of permanently replacing lost teeth. Many dentists who do this procedure also offer financing and repayment plans to help you afford this life-changing procedure.
3. Safe and successful: Did you know that all on four dental implants boast a 98% rate of success? This means you can be assured that your implants will be surgically placed in your jawbone safely and successfully, with a quick recovery period.
4. More confidence than ever: Dental implants — especially all on four dental implants — are the only permanent way to replace missing teeth. And when your missing teeth are replaced, your self-esteem will receive a major boost — one that you’ll have for the rest of your life. More on this topic: www.studiobdental.ca