As any pediatric dentist specialist will surely tell you, preventative dental care and proper nutrition are the best way to fight kids tooth decay. But may parents lack the time to steer their children down the right road with food, and they end up gorging themselves on processed junk. Then a vicious cycle begins, because the artificial flavors and sweeteners in the processed food win over their taste buds – suddenly, normal, natural sweets don’t taste good at all. It spirals downward from there.
It requires additional time and energy on your part, but if you can get your kids eating reasonably — not over the top healthy — but reasonably healthy snacks, they will develop the opposite taste and see the processed flavors for what they are: chemicals not meant for eating. Here’s a handy list of 10 snack ideas that put the accent on natural, milder flavors rather than big bursts of chemical sweetness.
10 Kids Snacks Parents Can Stand by
Naturally, these are just suggestions. But they’ll make you and your child’s visit to the pediatric dentist specialist that much more relaxed, and it will instill better eating habits in them that can last a lifetime. The best pediatric dentist will probably have additional suggestions as to how you can help your child win the war against process foods and tooth decay in kids.
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